
Childhood vaccination key

The announcement that there is a mumps outbreak in Crawford County and the concomitant call to make sure children are vaccinated was predictably followed by the claims that vaccines don't work or are harmful to children.
This seems to follow any outbreak of diseases which were once on the verge of eradication such as mumps.
These dangerous claims originated some years ago with a now-thoroughly debunked "study" published by British ex-physician Andrew Wakefield who was trying to sell a new autism testing kit, British medical journal The Lancet, claiming a link between the MMR vaccine and autism.
This was further exacerbated by a media machine which A. generally knows very little about science, and B. likes to latch on to the most sensational claims in order to drive profits.
Let us be clear, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, WHO, USAMRIID and every other credible medical agency in the world have discredited Wakefield and his so-called research — and he has long since lost his medical license.
Vaccines do not cause autism.
Doctors are also clear on this. Vaccines do not make you sick. Vaccines do not spread disease.
This should be clear to every thinking person from the fact they are not dead of Smallpox or in an iron lung after contracting polio.
However vaccines are not perfect. Not everyone who has the inoculation will have 100 percent immunity. Some people who are either too young or are immunocompromised cannot be vaccinated.
The only way to keep infants or those with weakened immune systems safe is to make sure they are surrounded by people who are vaccinated to prevent them from coming into contact with the disease.
The recent rise in cases of diseases like measles, mumps and whooping cough is directly attributable to the increasing numbers of parents who — frightened by charlatans in the antivaxxer and "naturopathic health" movements — are choosing to forego the usual round of childhood vaccinations.
This is a free country, and they of course have that right, but they need to understand the choice they are making. Diseases such as mumps are rarely a threat to adults but can be lethal to children.
Parents who would never allow their child to ride a bicycle without a helmet or get in a car without a car seat are playing the equivalent of Russian roulette with their children's health and lives.
People need to vaccinate their children — not only for the child's safety — but for the safety of the population at large.

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