

As parents, we sometimes are so busy taking care of our children that we lose track of some of the details of their lives. This activity will help to make us aware of how much—or how little—we know about our sons or daughters.
What is your daughter's/son's favorite game or sport?
What is your son's/daughter's height (within one inch)? 
Who is your daughter's/son's closest friend? 
If your son/daughter could do anything he/she chose for a day, what would it be?
What is your daughter's/son's favorite TV show? Favorite character?
What was the last movie your son/daughter saw?
What is your daughter's/son's favorite food?
What is your son's/daughter's favorite thing to do after school?
Would your daughter/son rather ride a bike, ride a horse, or drive a car?
Who is your son's/daughter's favorite singer or musical group? I
f your daughter/son had a choice to have a pet, what would it be?
Which would your son/daughter rather do: wash dishes, mow the lawn, clean his/her room, or vacuum the house?
Do your daughter's/son's friends call her/him by a nickname? If so, what is it?
In the evening, would your son/daughter rather play a game with the family, go to visit a relative, or read in his/her room?
What was the last problem your daughter/son brought to you for help?
What gift would your son/daughter most like to receive?
What does your daughter/son do that she/he is proud of?

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